okay, okay. so you see that tiny puny speck up there it's not a smudge. its not a dust particle. its SMALLER than the sparkle in your eye. yes it is our very own home. our world. this earth. that microscopic looking dot isn't even you, your sould. no its all of it combined! everything and everyone that exists physically in your world right now, this instant, is that tiny dot, on a massive ray of sunlight, surrounded by pure infinity. this "giant world" or so you thought doesnt even compare to something 100092402848374+3 times bigger.
now don't you feel pretty shitty and small?
well don't! because now ubove, a comparison; of this universe compared to our brian cell. the very lovely mind you have been graced with is pretty much RELATED to the universe. and JUST AS BIG as it. IT IS. IT IS the infinate abyss that surrounds this planet earth, that tiny smudge and dot on the last image.
you encompass the infinate universe in your mind. perfect and never ending mystery.
gah mann. don't you see. you are not small at all.
for every soul. including YOU
carries a iniverse inside them! and if that the case then you are and very well could be someone else's god in their eyes, living in that universe/brain cell of yours RIGHT NOW.
you are someone of something else's giant ray of sunlight!! as they too reside in not a smudge, not a dust particle, but a beautiful world such as your very own. because if a tiny dot on that last image represents an entire world filled with souls full of life. then imagine what wonders you will find in a single blad of grass, or what journey that tiny ant you svoided stepping on today goes through every single day of its lovely life. don't take these tiny (or so they seem) wonders of life for granted. ever.
today is that day
to start to realize that this is the beautigul perfect oxymoron cycle of life.
its all around us. all the time!
and if you realize this.
you can be the center of it.
every single one of you.
these thoughts make my mind happy. and make me want to cry tears of joy and tell everone you are freeeeeee.
live on.
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