The most precious gift, I have ever been given besides the gift of life is MY MIND!! I love and cherish it wil all my heard, for it is mine to keep for eternity and beyond! It's my ultimate masterpiece sculpted out of perfection, my personal story-teller and entertainment, whatever i think of will instantly appear, and i have front row seats.
Inside, a spectacular carnival infested with my happy thoughts awaits me, and theme is craziness all around, where the jugglers juggle jugglers, the midgets are super tall giants, and the elephants are bestfriend's with the mice. There is never a dull moment in my mind! its all absurd, and there is no such thing as being different, wrong and right, up and down, and weirdness is never looked down upon but crowned king of this magical kingdom, because all is accepted and never judged as long as you're simply being REAL. in my mind inside and out of thsis world, all around, all flaws are stitched together with acceptance and pure beauty. I'm in love, and its a neverending love as it is the stong raft allowing me to go with the flow in this beautiful river of life.
Aalthough beautiful indeed, this world is NOT real, it is not eternal like you and me, all things physical do not exist, so screw it all, and even you body is not real, merley served like a car, the transpotations of your soul. but when it is time to get out of that "car" and ARRIVEat the destination you were meant to be, you will realize that your mind, that which is you soul is the only thing here, the only thing which is here now, it is the only thing that will accompany you on this groozy journey of life, so right now simply enjoy the prequel and love the mind you were given! because the real tripp is yet to begin.
you are the only key to loving your life, the choice and power to do so and truly become happy is embedded withing all of us. Its not a difficult equation because you=happiness, fuck the rest, Its not about FINDING it but REALIZING this , and truly then will you be pure and find bliss in all that is life, this is my secret, and its as simple as that.
and i fell in love with the world.
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