Thursday, January 21, 2010

Know my secret to life:

Three words: IT DOESNT MATTER! How lovely it is to know it's that simple! I'm not careless I'm just carefree. I care too much to care at all. Nothing matters once you realize everything is perfect, every step you take is absolutely correct, and every mistake made is totally perfect in every way. Because it is all meant to be. stop trying to analyze everything. Embrace the chaos and madness and ACCEPT IT in all of its beauty. throw this reasoning out the window of your mind and question nothing. Doing so is just going to get you nowhere at all. Like a clueless dog chasing its own tail. It's unattainable bcause it's aready there. The beatles know: just let it be. because it is what it is, and everything is what it's suppose to be. stop chasing perfection by questioning in search of empty answers. perfection is right in front of your eyes.

you want inner peace? realize its already inside of you.
you want harmony? know that it is all already harmonious like the plantes in perfect motion.
you want to feel alive? well become on with it all and learn by example of the universe for it is a living physical comparison to soul. infinite and perfect.
you want answers? then let the silence tell them to you.

in the midst of all this imperfection we are perfet things. Don't disrupt the perfection. This equation to life is so simple in the wat that if you try to figure out how it all works or try to prove it wrong, it will become the most complicated thing in the world and beyond. Don'e take the magic out of it. And just accpet it. Just let it be. You are only here on this planet to learn how to BE. Be alive. And LIVE.

The answers are all around us don't you see? Within all the calmness of perfection you must hear. For the power to listen is you strongest tool. Everything around you is fulled with the answers you search for. Because everything has a purpose. Listen to my friend, the baby tree for it knows this, and is probably wiser that you. The only tools you will ever need to realize this and enjoy of eternal are embedded inside of you...For it is you! and it is what it is

EVERYTHING IS UNDERRATED. So forget everything you were taught, and all that you think you know. Remove it all from your mind because it doesn't matter. Perception is all wrong. For it is like the dirt that disrupts the clarity in the clear water. just leave it alone and let it be. The answers are a contradictiong oxymoron. But you can't get any more balanced than that.

So throw every problem you have at me and every question that arises all have only one answer.... it doesn't matter!! I care too much about my life to care at all. Everything passes. Everything changes.

I'm here and I know it. You are too! your eyes just havent't seen it yet. but the door to here and now, the heart of perfection is already inside of you. you now know the secret to happiness and permanent contentment in whatever. I know opened the door to answer inside your soul, and placed a welcome matt before it inviting you in. whether you want to step inside is totally up to you. But I know. And I promise you one day, you will too. You will know and fell exactly what I'm talking about. I have complete faith in everything so please do so too!

Knowing this I feel as if i found out the purpose as to why I exist. I'm spreading the word. I'm here to tell you to be strong. You're beautiful and perfect in every single way. Don't try to change anything, and see it too, and accept it, You're on the right path to discovering what you seek for in life, if you please adopt my way of thinking. And it is my duty to share what I know with you and pry your third eye open, And even if it meant sacraficing my life and giving you this ultimate knowledge inside of my mind. I would exchange it all in a heart beat just so you all can know too. because never before, have I ever believed in anything mroe in my life as I do so right now.

We're all gold inside.
This world is gold too.
The only difference is you, that is gold and perfection will stay that way for the rest of eternity if you choose to keep the fire inside of you going forever.

so please, please, please.

"when you realize how perfect everything is you will just tilt your head back and laugh at the sky."
not careing about what people think is the best change I've ever made in my life.

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DOPAMINE: the brain's pleasure chemical...a natural morphine-like drug produced by the body. its the pleasure you receive from sex, food, drugs, and love. I'm Sydney.