Wednesday, April 14, 2010


So I have this HUGE tattoo on my back which I LOVE (picture above) BUT, its for my grandfather that recently passed away.. now this would be fine to most people but my mother has had 3 previous husbands SO, I have my grandpa on my mothers side grandpa on my fathers side and my grandpa on my step dads side (the on the tattoo is for) he is no longer my step father but he raised me from the age of 3 and is still a big part of my life. My "step" grandpa was also VERY important in my life which is why i got the tattoo... but anyways to the point haha.. i have NO room for anything else on my back except my shoulder blades so basically no more memorial tattoos for other grandfathers or other family members.. i can't show the tattoo to other gradfather's because im afraid they will get jealous.. sooooooooo what to do? hahaha idk i just kind of thought about this and now im in a clusterfuck.. but anyways BYE!
oh ps. the tattoo says
"goodbye is not forever
goodbye is not the end
it simply means
I'll love you
until we meet again
RIP Grandpa Carl"
DON'T COPY ME! if i see any tattoos with the same quote I WILL KILL A HOE! :)
haha jk.. but really..>:(


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DOPAMINE: the brain's pleasure chemical...a natural morphine-like drug produced by the body. its the pleasure you receive from sex, food, drugs, and love. I'm Sydney.